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Treatments and Rates

Your therapist will locate areas that feel tight or immobile and then use focused pressure and gentle stretching to release the fascial restrictions.  This treatment improves mobility while reducing pain and tension and is particularly good for helping to unlock areas of chronic pain and heal after injury.

How to make an appointment


Available by appointment only.  Please schedule online.  

Call or text if you have any problems.  Thank you.  

Cancellation Policy: Please be respectful of my time, your time and my clients who follow your appointment selection.  If you arrive late, you are responsible to pay the full amount for the time you scheduled even though your session will end at the scheduled time.  


I require 6 hours notice to avoid a cancellation fee.  Cancellations in less than 6 hours before appointment start time will be charged a $25 fee.  "No call, no shows" will owe the full price of the session you reserved.  This must be paid before you can schedule again. Thank you for your consideration.  

Initial Appointment
90 min. $180

This option is required for all first time clients.  The 90 minute appointment time allows adequate time for the therapist to educate about fascia and its importance in the body, do a full assessment and health history, while leaving sufficient time for hands on MFR treatment as well as provide a customized self treatment plan.


The therapist applies sustained, gentle pressure into an area of restriction and waits for a release to occur.   It is performed w/o lotion and the client should wear clothing which allows as much skin contact as possible; either a 2 piece swimsuit, gym shorts and sports style bra, or  just gym shorts or swim trunks.  Please don't have any lotion or oil on your skin.

Returning Client Appointment 
60 min. $120
75 min. $150
90 min. $180

Myofascial Release Therapy, is a gentle and effective form of bodywork that addresses the entire Fascial system.  The therapist applies sustained, gentle pressure into an area of restriction and waits for a release to occur.   It is performed w/o lotion and the client should wear clothing which allows as much skin contact as possible; either a 2 piece swimsuit, gym shorts and sports style bra, or just gym shorts or swim trunks.  Please don't have any lotion or oil on your skin.

Customized Self-Treatment Training:
60 min.  $60

A private session of self treatment techniques designed specifically for your needs.  This can be set up as a live stream online or a video, or in-person class.  

We begin with an assessment of your alignment, and then taking into consideration your history and specific needs, I will design a series of movements and stretches to release the structural restrictions in your body which will help you get your flow back.  We will use simple props to help your body feel supported and achieve long lasting results.  This is an excellent way to keep your body pain free so you can be active and healthy.  

Learn to self treat...

How do I "self treat"?

Please click this link to view stretching videos.  These videos show self treatment stretches that you can do at home.  

Since our goal is a longer lasting result, it is suggested to hold these stretches 3-5 minutes, therefore, it is important that you are able to relax and nothing is bracing.  Tune in.  Be easy with yourself.  

Ideas like 'no pain, no gain' do NOT apply here.  As you will notice, the fascial system of the body cannot be forced to release.  These stretches are not about force, always about time.  Give your body time (and support) to relax, to feel safe and then you will notice softening and releasing in your tension areas.  When this occurs, your body begins to heal at the cellular level.  Muscles will be able to regain their strength.  It takes practice, since most of us are not used to being still for very long.  So, I hope you will be willing to try something different.  Give your body time to release.  You will soon be on your own healing journey.  

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